Academic Overview of the Medical College Hospital.

Title : Evaluation of the Indications of Preterm Cesarean Section in a Tertiary Level Hospital

Published by -Jalalabad Medical Journal PDF Page : 51-54

The indication of cesarean section (CS) delivery in preterm pregnancy can be based on a medically indicated CS. A preterm CS can be protective, but can also be associated with high morbidity for both mother and fetus. Therefore, the optimal mode of delivery for preterm babies is controversial. This cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Jalalabad Ragib-Rabeya Medical College Hospital, Sylhet, during the period from January 2018 to June 2018, to evaluate the indications of preterm CS. Thirty consecutive preterm CS were studied. Cases with multiple pregnancies, other medical disorders, and diabetes mellitus were excluded. The result showed that, majority (90%) of the cases were between 18-35 years of age, mean age was 26.67±4.98 years, and mean gestational age was 34.9±1.4 weeks. Indications of preterm caesarean  delivery were severe  preeclampsia  (30%), previous caesarean section (23.3%), antepartum haemorrhage (placenta previa) (6.7%), malpresentation (6.7%), breech presentation with oligohydramnios (10%), preterm  premature  rupture  of membranes (13.3%), and foetal distress (10%). The study observed that severe preeclampsia and previous cesarean section are the most common indications of preterm cesarean section.

Keywords: Preterm delivery, Cesarean delivery.