Title : Perineal Ectopic Testis: A Rare Cause of Empty Scrotum |
Published by -Jalalabad Medical Journal | PDF Page : 63-65 |
DOI : | |
Abstract :
Ectopic testis bears an important role in causation of empty scrotum. In general, five sites of ectopic testis. These are the superficial inguinal pouch of Denis Browne, the femoral canal, contralateral hemi-scrotum, the perineum and the pubopenile/ penile region. A rare case of perineal ectopic testis is reported here. Orchiopexy was performed in that case, and the testis was mobilized and fixed in the left hemi-scrotum.
Keywords: Testis, Perineal ectopic testis, Hemi-scrotum.